• Retrieves the configuration based on the provided options.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends { "[typeSymbol]": unknown; $id: string }

      The type of the configuration schema.


    • options: {
          configName?: string;
          configServerUrl?: string;
          ignoreServerIsOlderVersionError?: boolean;
          localConfigPath?: string;
          metricsRegistry?: Registry;
          offlineMode?: boolean;
          schema: T;
          version?: number | "latest";

      The options for retrieving the configuration.

      • OptionalconfigName?: string

        The name of the remote configuration.

      • OptionalconfigServerUrl?: string

        The URL of the configuration server.

      • OptionalignoreServerIsOlderVersionError?: boolean

        Indicates whether to ignore the error when the server version is older than the requested version.

      • OptionallocalConfigPath?: string

        The path to the local configuration folder.

      • OptionalmetricsRegistry?: Registry

        The registry for the metrics. If not provided, the metrics will not be registered. Depends on the prom-client package being installed.

      • OptionalofflineMode?: boolean

        Indicates whether the configuration should be loaded in offline mode.

      • schema: T

        The schema of the configuration object.

      • Optionalversion?: number | "latest"

        The version of the remote configuration. It can be either 'latest' or a number.

    Returns Promise<ConfigInstance<T[typeof typeSymbol]>>

    • A promise that resolves to the configuration object.