The options to configure the tracing functionality.

interface TracingOptions {
    attributes?: Attributes;
    autoInstrumentationsConfigMap?: InstrumentationConfigMap;
    debug?: boolean;
    hostname?: string;
    instrumentations?: InstrumentationOption[];
    isEnabled?: boolean;
    serviceName?: string;
    serviceVersion?: string;
    traceRatio?: number;
    url?: string;


  • Partial<TracingConfig>
    • TracingOptions


attributes?: Attributes

Optional attributes to be added to the resource.

autoInstrumentationsConfigMap?: InstrumentationConfigMap

Optional map of auto-instrumentation configurations.

debug?: boolean

Optional flag to enable debug mode.

hostname?: string

The value of the hostname attribute to use, will override the hostname.

instrumentations?: InstrumentationOption[]

Optional array of instrumentations.

isEnabled?: boolean

Specifies whether tracing is enabled.

serviceName?: string

The name of the service to put as attribute. By default will be read from the package.json file.

serviceVersion?: string

The version of the service to put as attribute. By default will be read from the package.json file.

traceRatio?: number

The ratio of traces to sample.

url?: string

The URL to an HTTP OTLP endpoint to send the traces to.