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Elevation Service ⛰️


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Allows users to request elevation(height) information at a given location(s)/position(s) in [lon,lat] format with/without extra data eg. resolution, DTM/DSM, etc.


Product types

Elevation info might be returned from following material types:

  1. DTM - terrain materials.
  2. DSM - surface materials.
  3. MIXED - according to most detailed (best resolution) materials.

Confidence level

Calculated for each product and is represented by two values:

  • resolutionMeter - precision on the horizontal plane (may be interpolated), meaning that for every resolutionMeter meters there is a value in the mesh
  • absoluteAccuracyLEP90 - each height measurement has a 90% chance to have a deviation of at most x meters from the given value (between height - absoluteAccuracyLEP90 and height + absoluteAccuracyLEP90)

It is extremely important to provide all of the information about the product which the height was extracted from for each point you query.


When using the API to display the heights, we require you to provide the productType, resolutionMeter and absoluteAccuracyLEP90 values as well.



- You may request values for up to 250 points at once. In case you have more than that, you should divide it into bulks. - Coordinates order is not preserved.
- You will need an API token as part of the service authentication.  
- When getting a time-out in a result of request, please try same API call again.

API parameters (payload) explanation

The structure (JSON schema) is as follows:

JSON Schema of Request
"positions": [
"longitude": 0,
"latitude": 0
"productType": "MIXED"

🔴 positions (required)

Array of geographical coordinates
Limited up to 250 coordinates

🟡 productType (optional, MIXED is default)

String one of DTM | DSM | MIXED

API response explanation

The structure (JSON schema) is as follows:

JSON Schema of Response
"data": [
"longitude": 0,
"latitude": 0,
"height": 3,
"productId": "world_terrain"
"products": {
"world_terrain": {
"productType": "DTM",
"resolutionMeter": 30,
"absoluteAccuracyLEP90": 17,
"updateDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"

In the response, each point will have the productId field as a reference to the product it was returned from.

Each product has the following information:

  • productType - the type of the material
  • resolutionMeter - precision on the horizontal plane, see confidence level
  • absoluteAccuracyLEP90 - precision on the z axis, see confidence level
  • updateDate - date when the product was updated