Getting started
Developer Guide step-by-step
The following guide will help you understand, Step-by-step the best practices of how to work with the Map Colonies Catalog and how to consume mapping products in dynamic way (materials might be changed or added)
Note: In order to get the layer details (Product_ID, region, etc.) you have the following options:
- Open map-colonies catalog application and locate the required layer
- Query all records via CSW GetRecords operation and search it in the result response - Query Examples Documentation
Flow diagram
The following flow will show you one of our main use-case's
Query Catalog Service (Step 1)
Query RASTER CSW catalog service to find item(s) according to desired filter example are here.
Pay attention to set the following parameter 'outputSchema=""' in order to get full catalog data
There are a few ways to acquire the productId, for example:
- Specific Layer
- Fetch All Layers (Pagination)
To fetch a specific layer you need to aquire 2 properties values:
To get unique product when you already have the productType and productId you can use the following query (both can be coppied from our catalog app, for example for Best Orthophoto use the following)
POST Request
body (XML):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<csw:GetRecords xmlns:csw="" service="CSW" maxRecords="1" startPosition="1" outputSchema="" version="2.0.2" xmlns:mc="" >
<csw:Query typeNames="mc:MCRasterRecord">
<csw:Constraint version="1.1.0">
<Filter xmlns="">
You can enquire all raster products, use maxRecords and startPosition for pagination:
POST Request
body (XML):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<csw:GetRecords xmlns:csw="" service="CSW" maxRecords="1" startPosition="1" outputSchema="" version="2.0.2" xmlns:mc="" >
<csw:Query typeNames="mc:MCRasterRecord">
<csw:Constraint version="1.1.0">
<Filter xmlns="">
You will get GetRecords XML Response with product metadata.
Response example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!-- pycsw 2.7.dev0 -->
<csw:GetRecordsResponse xmlns:csw="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dct="" xmlns:gmd="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:ows="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:mc="" version="2.0.2" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<csw:SearchStatus timestamp="2022-02-15T15:08:58Z"/>
<csw:SearchResults numberOfRecordsMatched="2" numberOfRecordsReturned="1" nextRecord="2" recordSchema="" elementSet="full">
<mc:description>World Wide 2020</mc:description>
<mc:links scheme="WMS" name="ORTHOPHOTO_MOSAIC_BASE" description="">'<YOUR_MAPPROXY_URL>/service?REQUEST=GetCapabilities'</mc:links>
<mc:links scheme="WMS_BASE" name="ORTHOPHOTO_MOSAIC_BASE" description="">'<YOUR_MAPPROXY_URL>/wms'</mc:links>
<mc:links scheme="WMTS" name="ORTHOPHOTO_MOSAIC_BASE" description="">'<YOUR_MAPPROXY_URL>/wmts/1.0.0/WMTSCapabilities.xml'</mc:links>
<mc:links scheme="WMTS_KVP" name="ORTHOPHOTO_MOSAIC_BASE" description="">'<YOUR_MAPPROXY_URL>/service?REQUEST=GetCapabilities&SERVICE=WMTS'</mc:links>
<mc:links scheme="WMTS_BASE" name="ORTHOPHOTO_MOSAIC_BASE" description="">'<YOUR_MAPPROXY_URL>/wmts'</mc:links>
<mc:productName>אורתופוטו מתעדכן</mc:productName>
<ows:BoundingBox crs="urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:6.11:4326" dimensions="2">
<ows:LowerCorner>-180.0 90.0</ows:LowerCorner>
<ows:UpperCorner>180.0 90.0</ows:UpperCorner>
Extract product Bounding Box (Step 2)
Now you want to find LAYER product BBOX (aka ‘extent’) from the metadata response of the product.
In the Response, look for <ows:BoundingBox></ows:BoundingBox>
Another way to find the product extent:
In the Response, look for <mc:footprint></mc:footprint>
In the example above - response XML file looks like this:
Use any tool (CesiumJS, turfJS, etc..) to convert the footprint(GeoJSON) into a bounding box.
For example using CesiumJS and turfJS
import bbox from '@turf/bbox';
import { Rectangle } from 'cesium';
import { LayerRasterRecord } from '../models';
export const generateLayerRectangle = (layer: LayerRasterRecord): Rectangle => {
return Rectangle.fromDegrees(...bbox(layer.footprint));
After you’ve got your product bounding box lets move to the next step…
Get layer URI (Step 3)
In the Response, look for
WMTS (wmts capabilities) And WMTS_BASE (base wmts link exists also for those who prefer to use them)
<mc:links scheme="WMTS" name="[desired_layer_identifier]" description="">
<mc:links scheme="WMTS_KVP" name="[desired_layer_identifier]" description="">
<mc:links scheme="WMTS_BASE" name="[desired_layer_identifier]" description="">
You need to save [desired_layer_identifier]
value for later use.
You also may save <mc:links>
element value, which is a layer consumption URL.
Get Layer Capabilities (Step 4)
Now, you need to fetch Raster's MapServer specified Layer metadata by sending GetCapabilities request.
First - find the correct GetCapabilities URL. Best way to achieve it is by looking for scheme="WMTS"
property in the response of Step 3 and extract the GetCapabilities URL off it.
<mc:links scheme="WMTS" name="[desired_layer_identifier]" description="">
OR you can use wmts KVP capabilities
<mc:links scheme="WMTS_KVP" name="[desired_layer_identifier]" description="">
Make a GET request to this link. The response contains the details of all available layers in following format.
In the Response, look for LAYER where <ows:Identifier>
has saved previously [desired_layer_identifier]
You can read more about GetCapabilities OGC format here 🌐
You need to save the following values in order to consume the layer later on Step 5.
Alternative to Step 3 way to get layer consumption URL
element include an exact WMTS URL template inside the child <ResourceURL/>
element. So, you can use it as well
Construct Client side layer (Step 5)
Now, after you got all product metadata that you need by querying our Catalog and MapProxy capabilities, lets actually use it in order to display it in real map viewer / application (clients).
Below examples are based on Pseudo code
, you will have to adapt it in your own application to make it work.
Important: only query parameter token
is currently supported
- Cesium
- OpenLayers (v6.x)
- Leaflet (v1.x)
const catalogLayer = new Cesium.WebMapTileServiceImageryProvider({
url : '<LAYER_WMTS_URL>', // from Step_3 or Step_4
/******** WHEN AUTH IS REQUIRED ********/
// url:new Cesium.Resource({
// url: '<LAYER_WMTS_URL>', // from Step_3 or Step_4
// headers: { 'X-API-KEY': RASTER_TOKEN }, // received RASTER auth token
// queryParameters: { 'token': RASTER_TOKEN }, // received RASTER auth token -
layer : '[desired_layer_identifier]', // from Step_3
style : '<LAYER_STYLE>', // from Step_4
format : '<LAYER_FORMAT>', // from Step_4
tileMatrixSetID : '<LAYER_TILE_MATRIX_SET_ID>', // from Step_4
/******** TILING SCHEME SHOULD BE 2 x 1 ********/
tilingScheme: new Cesium.GeographicTilingScheme(),
rectangle : <LAYER_EXTENT>, // from Step_2
OpenLayers (6.x)
const parser = new WMTSCapabilities();
const capabilitiesResponse = await fetch('CapabilitiesURL'); // from Step_4
const capabilitiesText = await capabilitiesResponse.text();
const parserResult =;
const layerOptions = optionsFromCapabilities(parserResult, {
layer: '[desired_layer_identifier]' // from Step_3
const layer = new TileLayer({ source: new WMTS(layerOptions), extent }); // from Step_2
import L from "leaflet";
//urlTemplate example: https://maps/api/raster/v1/wmts/test-orthophoto/{TileMatrixSet}/{TileMatrix}{TileCol}/{TileRow}.jpeg
const parser = (urlTemplate) => {
return wmtsUrl
.replace("{TileMatrixSet}", '<LAYER_TILE_MATRIX_SET_ID>') // from Step_4
.replace("{TileMatrix}", "{z}")
.replace("{TileRow}", "{y}")
.replace("{TileCol}", "{x}");
const bounds = L.latLngBounds([
[extent[1], extent[0]], // from Step_2
[extent[3], extent[2]], // from Step_2
const urlTemplate = '<LAYER_WMTS_URL>' // from Step_3 or Step_4
const parsedUrl = parser(urlTemplate)
const map ="map", { crs: L.CRS.EPSG4326 }).setView([0, 0], 0);
//in case of queryParameter authentication:
const layer = L.tileLayer(parsedUrl + '?token=${TOKEN}',{ // received RASTER auth token
id : '<desired_layer_identifier>', // from Step_3
Replace all <>
place holders with the real values that we got from all previous steps:
- url - should be replaced by the URL that you got from Step 3 or Step 4.
- layer - should be replaced with layer Product ID.
- style - should be replaced with the value that you got from Step 4.
- format - should be replaced with the value that you got from Step 4
- tileMatrixSetID - how can you get it? from Response from Step 4.
- tilingScheme
- rectangle - value should be the BBOX (extent that you got from Step 2.
- Note - extent taken from step 2 - where bbox is calculated.
Leaflet (1.x)
For headers api key see the following link:
Enrich Layer data (Step 6)
In order to present catalog items in your system you can use following fields:
- mc:productName
- mc:description
- ...
- rest Raster profile definition