Raster Catalog Profile Information
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(This site doesn't exist) - The Raster sub-system Catalog profile fields with information of each of them:
New version v2 is coming!
The following parameters are depracted an will be removed in v2
PYCSW Queryable/XML Element Name | Type | Description |
mc:creationDateUTC | date | The date (UTC time) when raw product was created supported format: dd/mm/yyyy |
mc:RMS | double | Tolerance, standard deviation in % |
PYCSW Queryable/XML Element Name | Type | Description |
mc:id | text | Unique internal catalog item id |
mc:productId | text | Unique external product id |
mc:productName | text | The product name |
mc:productVersion | text | The product version |
mc:productType | enum | Valid Values: OrthophotoBest / Orthophoto / OrthophotoHistory / RasterMapBest / RasterMap / RasterAidBest / RasterAid / RasterVector / RasterVectorBest |
mc:productSubType | text | ProductSubType values |
mc:links | text | Available links for current product CSW Links Structure of links in the format name,description,protocol,url[^β,[^β,]] |
mc:description | text | The product description |
mc:creationDateUTC | date | Deprecated: will be removed in v2 The date (UTC time) when raw product was createdSupported format: dd/mm/yyyy |
mc:updateDateUTC | date | Date (UTC time) the record got and update in catalog Supported format: dd/mm/yyyy |
mc:imagingTimeBeginUTC | date | Start imaging date (UTC time) of raw product Supported format: dd/mm/yyyy (not later than "End date") |
mc:imagingTimeEndUTC | date | End imaging date (UTC time) of raw product Supported format: dd/mm/yyyy (not earlier than "Begin date") |
mc:maxResolutionDeg | double | The product resolution in degrees Double unsigned valid: 1.67638e-7 to 0.703125 |
mc:maxResolutionMeter | double | The product resolution in meters Double unsigned valid: 0.0185 to 78271.52 |
mc:minHorizontalAccuracyCE90 | double | EP90 / CE90 Maximum absolute plane accuracy range in meters Float unsigned valid: 0.01 to 4000 (x.xx) |
mc:sensors | text | List of sensors used as a source for the product Comma separated list |
mc:footprint | geojson | Geographical delineation of the product / model trace |
mc:SRS | int | Reference System ID (EPSG), ex: 4326 / 3857 |
mc:SRSName | text | Name of reference system |
mc:transparency | text | The record transparency Valid values: TRANSPARENT / OPAQUE |
mc:region | text | Sector / countries Comma separated list |
mc:classification | number | Product classification / confidentiality Classification values (3-6) |
mc:producerName | text | Manufacturer / organization that produced / supplied the product |
mc:RMS | double | Deprecated: will be removed in v2 Tolerance, standard deviation in % |
mc:scale | integer | Valid values: 0 to 100000000 |
mc:productBBox | text | The bounding box of the product minX,minY,maxX,maxY |
mc:ingestionDate | date | Date (UTC time) when product data was updated or added to catalog |
mc:type | enum | Type of the catalog Valid values: RECORD_RASTER / RECORD_3D / RECORD_DEM Default: RECORD_RASTER |
mc:insertDate | date | The date (UTC time) when item was added to catalog |
mc:mimeType | enum | Type of record format Valid values: 'image/png' and 'image/jpeg' |
mc:keywords | text | List of key words relevant for product |
ows:BoundingBox | BBOX | Two points that represent the record extent for example:<ows:BoundingBox crs="urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:6.11:4326" dimensions="2"><ows:LowerCorner>31.9042863434239 34.8076891807199</ows:LowerCorner><ows:UpperCorner>31.9118071956932 34.816135996859</ows:UpperCorner></ows:BoundingBox> |