OpenStreetMap in depth
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OpenStreetMap is a free, editable map of the whole world made by people like you. It was started in 2004 in the UK, out of frustration with the lack of availability of good map data that was free to use.
OpenStreetMap includes data about roads, buildings, addresses, shops and businesses, points of interest, railways, trails, transit, land use and natural features, and much more.
The map is created and maintained by nearly 5 million registered users and more than 1 million map contributors in every country in the world, using free tools and software. The data is used by local people, volunteer groups, companies, governments, software developers and more.
The project has a very lean governance structure run entirely by the volunteers of the OpenStreetMap Foundation. Financial support comes from the OpenStreetMap Foundation members, including corporate members, as well as donations.
The idea for OpenStreetMap came about in 2003, when Steve Coast was working on a project for the UK government. He realized that there was a need for a free, open-source map of the world that could be easily edited and updated by anyone. In 2004, Coast launched the OpenStreetMap website and began to gather data from various sources, including GPS traces and aerial imagery.
Over the next few years, the project grew rapidly, with the number of contributors and the amount of data increasing. In 2007, the OpenStreetMap Foundation was established to support the project and provide infrastructure for the community. Today, OpenStreetMap is one of the largest and most widely used open data projects in the world.
OpenStreetMap data is used in a wide variety of applications, including:
Online maps: The most obvious use of OpenStreetMap data is in online maps, such as the main OpenStreetMap website. The data is also used by many other websites and apps that provide maps and location-based services, such as OpenRouteService, GraphHopper, and Mapbox.
GIS: OpenStreetMap data is also used in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for a wide range of applications, such as land use planning, emergency response, and environmental monitoring.
Navigation: OpenStreetMap data is used by many navigation apps and devices, such as OsmAnd, Navit, and OpenFietsMap.
Humanitarian aid: OpenStreetMap data is often used in disaster response and humanitarian aid efforts, as it can be quickly and easily updated to reflect changes on the ground.
Overall, OpenStreetMap provides a valuable resource for many different fields, from online maps and navigation to GIS and humanitarian aid. With the data constantly updated by a community of volunteers, it offers a reliable and accurate map of the world.