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Feedback Api 💌


Click here for the OpenAPI


If you're not familier with Geocoding API, read more here.

Geocoding's feedback API collects usage data from the Geocoding API user's response and stores it for BI purposes. We use this data to better understand and measure the relevance of our responses and adjust the data and algorithm accordingly.

Once a user gets a response from Geocoding, the requesting system will send the request_id, the chosen_result_id and the user_id back to us.


You will need an API token as part of the service authentication.  


Geocoding's Query Search Request
curl --location '<geocoding_url>/search/location/query?query=school' \
--header 'x-api-key: <x-api-key>' \
--header 'x-user-id: <x-user-id>'
Response 👇
Response headers
"x-request-id": "4ac9cb81-8d6c-425d-b808-0c868bbaa97c"
Response payload
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"geocoding": {
"version": "0.1.0",
"query": {
"query": "school",
"disable_fuzziness": false,
"limit": 5
"response": {
"results_count": 2,
"max_score": 1.2880917,
"match_latency_ms": 7,
"name": "",
"place_types": [
"sub_place_types": [
"hierarchies": []
"features": [
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"coordinates": [ [ [ -118.30812263653988, 33.71684417247593 ],
[ -118.30861990876181, 33.71674433152869 ],
[ -118.30879709771484, 33.71635922964194 ],
[ -118.30619642115158, 33.71550819588987 ],
[ -118.30586490633668, 33.715921827872904 ],
[ -118.30587062210924, 33.716183318328746 ],
[ -118.30812263653988, 33.71684417247593 ]
"type": "Polygon"
"properties": {
"score": 1.2880917,
"matches": [ { "layer": "osm_schools", "source": "OSM", "source_id": [ "1a5b981b-bb0e-44dd-b9e2-424b92f2de49" ] } ],
"names": { "en": [ "White Point Elementary School" ], "fr": [ "Escuela Primaria White Point" ], "default": [ "White Point Elementary School" ], "display": "White Point Elementary School" },
"placetype": "education",
"sub_placetype": "school",
"regions": [ { "region": "USA", "sub_region_names": [ "Los Angeles" ] } ]
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"coordinates": [ [
[ 2.346441270696971, 48.88088750665477 ],
[ 2.3462780852304945, 48.88018258877358 ],
[ 2.347503576087604, 48.87999951892243 ],
[ 2.347737155284733, 48.88070864783427 ],
[ 2.346441270696971, 48.88088750665477 ] ] ],
"type": "Polygon"
"properties": {
"score": 1.2880917,
"matches": [
{ "layer": "osm_schools", "source": "OSM", "source_id": [ "dc02a3f9-156a-4f61-85bd-fd040cd322a3" ] } ],
"names": { "en": [ "Wi School Paris 9" ], "fr": [ "Ecole Wi Paris 9" ], "default": [ "Wi School Paris 9" ], "display": "Wi School Paris 9" },
"placetype": "education",
"sub_placetype": "school",
"regions": [ { "region": "FRANCE", "sub_region_names": [ "Paris" ] } ]

Notice this response listed 2 features.

When sending the response to the feedback API, you need to provide two parameters:
📍 request_id - from the headdback Aer 'x-request-id'.
📍 chosen_result_id - the ID of the user's selected result (corresponding index of the result).
📍 user_id - the ID of the end user.

Lets think of the current response as the actual response in this case:
📍 If the user chose "White Point Elementary School", the chosen_result_id would be 0.
📍 If the user chose "Wi School Paris 9", the chosen_result_id would be 1.

Then our request to the feedback API would look like this:

Geocoding's Feedback Api Request
curl --location --request POST '<feedback_api_url>/feedback' \
--header 'x-api-key: <x-api-key>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"request_id": "4ac9cb81-8d6c-425d-b808-0c868bbaa97c",
"chosen_result_id": 1,
"user_id": ""

And we will receive (in case request_id and chosen_result_id actually exist):

Response 👇