Polygon Parts Attributes Information
Polygon Part Queryable Attribute Name | Type | Description |
id | UUID | Internal unique identifier |
catalogId | UUID | Mapcolonies raster catalog identifier for the layer |
productId | text | Mapcolonies raster layer identifier |
productType | text | Mapcolonies raster layer type |
footprint | GeoJson (geometry (Polygon,4326)) | The feature's footprint |
sourceId | text | External Id of the part |
sourceName | text | External Name of the part |
productVersion | text | Mapcolonies raster layer version |
ingestionDateUTC | date | The time the part was ingested |
imagingTimeBeginUTC | date | Start imaging date (UTC time) of part |
imagingTimeEndUTC | date | End imaging date (UTC time) of part |
resolutionDegree | number | Part resolution degree (1.67638e-7 to 0.703125) |
resolutionMeter | number | Part resolution meter (1.67638e-7 to 0.703125) |
sourceResolutionMeter | number | Part source resolution meter (0.0185 to 78273) |
horizontalAccuracyCE90 | number | Part horizontal accuracy (0.01 to 4000) |
sensors | text (comma delimited) | The sensors used to create the part |
countries | text (comma delimited) | All of the countries that the part has data in |
cities | text (comma delimited) | All of the cities that the part has data in |
description | text | Part description |