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Polygon Parts Attributes Information

Polygon Part Queryable
Attribute Name
idUUIDInternal unique identifier
catalogIdUUIDMapcolonies raster catalog identifier for the layer
productIdtextMapcolonies raster layer identifier
productTypetextMapcolonies raster layer type
footprintGeoJson (geometry (Polygon,4326))The feature's footprint
sourceIdtextExternal Id of the part
sourceNametextExternal Name of the part
productVersiontextMapcolonies raster layer version
ingestionDateUTCdateThe time the part was ingested
imagingTimeBeginUTCdateStart imaging date (UTC time) of part
imagingTimeEndUTCdateEnd imaging date (UTC time) of part
resolutionDegreenumberPart resolution degree (1.67638e-7 to 0.703125)
resolutionMeternumberPart resolution meter (1.67638e-7 to 0.703125)
sourceResolutionMeternumberPart source resolution meter (0.0185 to 78273)
horizontalAccuracyCE90numberPart horizontal accuracy (0.01 to 4000)
sensorstext (comma delimited)The sensors used to create the part
countriestext (comma delimited)All of the countries that the part has data in
citiestext (comma delimited)All of the cities that the part has data in
descriptiontextPart description